With Madeline Fine
$125 + $20 materials
Learn to create beautiful and unique forms of connection. Do you want to make hoop earrings, a ring or two? Perhaps a pendant. You could even make a bracelet with the skills taught in this workshop. Make your own one-of-a-kind jewelry. Students in this two day workshop will be introduced to and practice cutting, filing, soldering, forming, texturing and finishing. $40 for materials.
With Laurie Savage
6 Mondays: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 24, Mar. 3, 10, 17. ( no classes Feb. 10 or 17)
In this multi-week beginning jewelry class, students will fabricate a sterling silver band ring, a sterling silver pendant with a bezel-set stone, and a set of bangle bracelets. Learn the basic fundamentals of metalsmithing, while incorporating personal design touches. Multiple soldering and finishing techniques will be covered, and individual design is encouraged. A materials fee of $100 is payable to the instructor on the first day of the class.
With Madeline Fine
$125 + 40 materials
2 days
Create beautiful organic forms. Leaf earrings or Leaf pendant Time to turn over a new leaf? Create three-dimensional forms from flat sheet metal. You’ll learn the basics of fold forming, an exciting and compelling technique that involves percussion and patience.
You will be introduced to and practice cutting, filing, basic annealing and soldering along with, a variety of hand tools and basic good workshop practices. Make earrings, a pendant or start of something more.
Multi-Week Classes
Join us for a multi week class to dive deep and gain experience